Thursday, August 5, 2010

Show-cause notice issues to BAI by Sports Ministry

The Sports Ministry on Wednesday asked the Badminton Association of India (BAI) to explain why the government should not initiate action to withdraw its registration under the Societies Act for violating the guidelines of the Ministry. In a show-cause notice, director (sports), Deepika Kachhal, levied five charges against BAI and asked it to respond within 14 days or face de-recognition.

The notice has added to the woes of BAI president, VK Verma, who is facing a court case against his re-election for the fourth consecutive term, which is in violation of the tenure guidelines issued by the government on May 1, 2010.

Verma had written to the Ministry stating BAI would seek no financial assistance from the government and so was not bound to abide by the guidelines. The Ministry pointed out that the sport's governing body was using the word "India" in its name and hence was bound to comply with the government guidelines.

"The Clause 28 of the above (Registrar of Societies Act) Act reads as, "where a government is a member or is wholly or substantially financing a society, it may place such terms and conditions on the society as are mutually agreed upon or through specific public policy notified by the government for the purpose", the notice said.

The Ministry has also charged Verma of not following proper procedure while conducting the elections on June 13 and giving a distorted picture of the financial assistance received from the government.

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