Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Swimming sisters lead the way

For sisters Runu Das and Rina Sen, former swimming champions, volunteering for the Commonwealth Games is all about their love for sports. The two, both swimmers-Runu is an international level swimmer and Rina a national-level swimmer-from the 1980s, will participate as volunteers during the Games.

Both Das (40) and Sen (38) are swimming coaches now.

"This is a big event for us and for every person who loves sports, it is a chance to do their bit for the country," said Das. "We are ready for whichever duty they give us. We'll do it enthusiastically," Sen adds.

The two have not been assigned any specific role as yet but would be delighted if they are present in the field during the events.

Both prospective volunteers are also mothers of proud children.

"Our children are happy that we will be volunteers. They will miss the time that we spend together for a few days but they are proud, nonetheless," says Das.

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